We're Bringing Broomsticks Back

It sounds dramatic, but it’s true. The golf industry has mostly abandoned those of us who use long (aka broomstick) putters, and we think it’s a shame.

If there’s one thing true about putting, it’s that there’s more than one way to get the job done. And if we’re only looking at the science, long putters used in the broomsticks style might actually be the best way to improve consistency (more on that later). Not to mention long putters keep a lot of golfers in the game because they’re less strenuous on the back.

So whether you’re looking to try the Broomsticks style for the first time or you’ve been using a broomstick for 20 years, we want you to know that we’ve got your back.

Lie Angle Balance Makes Broomsticks Better

Why should you get a Broomstick with Lie Angle Balance? The simple answer is that L.A.B. Golf is one of the few putter companies making long putters, and when it comes to custom options we’re way ahead of the game.

Before you pat us on the back, you should know that several people in our company swear by their broomsticks. Are we long putter freedom fighters? Maybe. Obsessed with our own putting? Definitely. Being the golf nerds we are, we’ve always believed that if we made cool stuff we want to play, others would probably want to play it, too.

Let’s move on to Lie Angle Balance’s role in all of this.

Why Broomsticks Are On A Roll

The idea with Broomstick putters is that they allow golfers to move the putter on an upright plane that is more linear and thus consistent. This has nothing to do with anchoring, which is of course against the rules.

Lie Angle Balance makes broomstick putters better because it removes torque from the putter head. Torque isn’t some esoteric variable that only matters for the best golfers in the world. You’ve felt it before. With putters that have torque, you have to grip the putter with more force than you should to keep the head from twisting and turning during the stroke. Some days, golfers apply more pressure than others. And this is why torque can screw up your stroke.

With any of our broomsticks (and any of our other putters), you won’t be trying to keep the putter square because there is no putter head torque. All you have to do is let the putter head stay square. And that’s a huge distinction.

Grip our broomsticks however you want. You can use any kind of right hand grip. You can drive the stroke with your shoulders or you can use a bottom-hand dominant, pistol-style stroke. These methods have all been used effectively to win big golf tournaments around the world.

No matter how you putt, a Lie Angle Balanced broomstick is going to make putting easier. All you have to do is hold the putter lightly and let it swing. It is programmed to roll the ball exactly where you’re aiming.

Choosing The Right Lie Angle

We can build L.A.B. Golf Broomstick putters to just about any lie angle, but we typically don’t see them go any flatter than 77 degrees.

The maximum lie angle allowed by the rules of golf is 80 degrees. Our most popular Lie Angle is 79.5 degrees. We stop a half-degree short for safety, because who knows when you’re going to run into a tournament official with a protractor.

The Lie Angle of 79.5 degrees is a special number for a lot of broomstickers who want the putter to move as straight back and straight through as possible, and it’s what we recommend for most golfers. It’s not going to be the best lie angle for every golfer, but theoretically, the less the putter has to arc the better it is for most broomstickers.

DF3 Broomstick

All DF3 Broomsticks are built with our special DF3 Broomstick heads, which look the same as standard-length DF3 putter heads at address but are 13% taller to add the necessary weight to these longer-length putters. 

DF3 Broomstick heads also include four more weight ports for Lie Angle Balance tuning and the bottom of the sole has more curvature to help these generally more upright putters maintain optimal performance on uneven surfaces.

As with DF 2.1 Broomstick, the shaft is positioned behind the face creating more onset than MEZZ.1 MAX.


MEZZ.1 MAX Broomstick

All MEZZ.1 broomsticks are built with our special MAX head, which larger than MEZZ.1 head to accomodate for its larger shaft length and allow us to get the head weight and balance right.

The golfers that choose MEZZ.1 MAX broomsticks over DF 2.1 broomsticks tend to prefer the shaft position of MEZZ.1 MAX, which is closer to the face to provide a more traditional look at impact.

Build Yours

DF 2.1 Broomstick

DF 2.1 is our most forgiving broomstick putter. Compared to MEZZ.1 MAX, its larger head allows for longer alignment markings and more alignment options.

As with all DF 2.1 putters, the shaft is positioned behind the face creating more onset than MEZZ.1 MAX.